I hear her calling from the ocean On this sturdy ship,
From the city streets Where the lonely live, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling from the last note Of an orchestra,
Which longs to play for you As the birds eat bread crumbs from your hands, I hear her calling
I hear her calling as I walk away from her In the greatest moment alive,
As simple as a gesture, a smile An embrace beyond words, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling from the outskirts of society From the depths,
From the reflection of the moon And the roads that lead the loveless, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling like a pillar Which commands this ancient shore,
Where her lips look so tender In the midnight air, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling as a memory As a dream,
In the fountains of youth And the rebellious will to live, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling from this chair From a country’s last stand,
Like the last man, last woman On this earth, I hear her calling,
I hear her calling like autumn I hear her calling like spring,
With all the suffering in me And all the joy, I hear her calling, I hear her calling.
The lonely priest
The church bells ring on a Sunday morning, To the sound of silence.
No people walk to the service, No God answers his prayers.
The lonely priest finds himself, In the clear light of the room.
He takes a pen by the hand, And writes his masterpiece.
Where thoughts meet with time, New horizons give meaning to the song.
Surrounded by stone bricked walls, With only a table and a chair for comfort.
He plans his escape, To paradise.
Your first kiss
Sitting on those steps With the whole world ahead of us Smoking a cigarette Your lipstick staining the earth As I pressed on your breast and found your suppleness Your kiss taking me under The laughing sky Where youthful dreams Play with time Your painted finger nails Give life to the buildings Which rise up in excitement At your touch And the pleasant feeling Of you inside me Holding me with all your openness Reaching out to the city streets Where your brown hair Falls like shadows And your big eyes Guide me to the ends of the earth Where knights wait For your kingdom to rise And the land stretches out before dawn My love for you struck forth In the beauty and the strange light Of sunrise
What a shame it was that sunset came too early Your love for me was not reciprocated Now I wander through the night Searching for your warmth In the dreams of my youth
The gates of time
Time. Glorious time, Even if it doesn’t exist, It captivates us, It takes us by the hand, And guides us through the gates. Where mirrors await us, On the other side of heaven.
Snow capped mountains, Joyously sing, Of age, In the forests of fire and rain. Winding the clock, With a two handed rhythm. The gates of time, Reveal the mystery, Of the sirens song, Tied to the mast, Sailing to the improbable star, A memory, Of human seclusion, Hidden in the mist, Masked by fate, Released into the stadium, The innocence of egoism. Like a fallen rocket, Burst into space. Changing only as far as the eye can see, With all its hope and glory, And as static as a pin drop, In the miracle mile, Of love and dreams, Tortured to the point, Of no return, Struck by the hour, The hooves imprinted in the meteor shower. Minutes before take off.
The choice between war and peace
As the bombs start dropping over Saigon I will be living here in dreams
This city is a hell hole getting ready to dive Into the impossible blue of the sky
Time my only friend Leave me friendless and unharmed
All the mysteries will be untied Like the Great Gordian knot two thousand years ago
I will conquer the known world in my imagination And as for the unknown world
Through peace and knowledge I will die a man
Tube journey
The tube train. The tunnel. Sex. A woman.
Me. Alone. In the universe. The pull of gravity.
The world is a changing place The earth keeps spinning round the sun Wars come and go Peace wins out Eventually the moon is as full As our hearts
Dream woman (inspired by Baudelaire)
Dream woman Imaginary girlfriend Thank you for giving me The gift of life The nature of the dream A feeling of hope Succession and Progress in the twilight hours Beyond the real world Inside my endless vessel Restless love Which travels for joy Restless love Hold my thoughts And awaken the kiss Deeper than heaven
Love affair
The grey sky, The grey city, My grey mind.
The grey trees, The grey buildings, My grey life.
Lost in thought, Aged like iron, Through the nebula.
This pen writes, Sweet nothings, Further than the lexicon.
What a beauty she is This woman This gal
Waiting for her Waiting for Gadot How long must I wait?
I watch her walk by On the cinema screen She is electric
She drives a Vespa To Crete The land of my ancestors
Holly has no rules The wood is rotten Love bends and shakes
The anchor
To finally make love to a woman After all these years sailing But not with my body With my mind
This city can swallow you up The ocean is vast It takes a lot of courage To throw down the anchor in the middle of nowhere
Here I lay beside you Where the sun is at it’s strongest The smell of saltwater like desire Releasing the pain at last
Out of nowhere Rose a great feeling of hope That I was finally getting somewhere In my life
It did not come from the ocean Nor from this picturesque city It did not start from the starlight Does not exist because of the many colourful people
It came from inside From the depths of my entire being A place where only I can travel to Unique in its feeling of fortitude
Summer sea
The stillness in the water It feels like somethings going to happen But there is no depression here No sadness Those are human ways Here there is only a harmonious song Lifting my spirits Floating with the other
Green fields
The green fields down below Look so beautiful Like a woman I once knew For a split second
The car weaves in and out of the hills And I think of her body Her mind How she touched me
Closer than the landscape And the memories Natures eyes True at last
The sea is like a cup of coffee Half drunk Waiting for the end of time And a new occupant On this chair
Film star or no film star that is the question? (inspired by Andre Breton)
The blonde sun encircling this fortress as I am turning the page of a calendar year leaving no stone unturned on the flat screen dying endlessly her majestic hair for fun
The dress that is owned by no one shudders departs my room like a space rocket travelling to far off planets ejaculating over the lonely kingdom of women ruled by money and honey in templates of roses and stuttering
The bees sting takes me to her garden swiftly the film is over like a crescent moon
She removes her lipstick before bedtime lately but leaves her fingernails painted black
I am under attack by loving desire all hail the ants who bow to her and glisten drinking the sky like a sea in a basin the shores of armies sleep peacefully for now
Dream like film star speak to me like a chorus beyond the sun painted blonde beyond the sky painted black reorder the universe in wisps of silk
A red carpet hell of glamorous tigers drones of money encircling the feast and drums smiles with golden teeth embalmed dressage in your cupboard full of socks and moths horses in your palms of water fill them up in vineyards lady hold your breath forever 1…2…3…
Swim into me into the sea into the breeze into the trees the screen freezes in between the poles
Strip your life bare like a polar bear naked newspapers remember me remember her mystery
Camera attack the lynched atmosphere the air and all the solitary continents define words by how important your tan line is belong to no one but the blonde sun
Her stilettos laugh hysterically her red lipstick mocks everyone her red carpet is a spinning top spinning endlessly her red dress mimics the red in paintings of the forgotten ones her red hair flows to the ethereal
She is a trapeze artist hanging onto the cinema audience the clowns are waiting for their chance of picture book glory beneath the roses the ground stirs
She drops the axe on my head carefully splitting my heart in two the music has begun beyond the forests breathing like the lost playing card in my favourite pack the machines are alive between her thighs as I tighten my rucksack and head off into the mountainous dew the curtain rises the curtain falls the blonde sun encircles the earth what are the showtimes for today? how expensive are the tickets? shall we sit at the back and make love?
Shhhh… silence… it has begun…
She leans forward and steals a kiss
The back row erupts the blonde in the middle erupts heaven exists in an apple and for 1 moment I am perfectly happy I disappear never to be seen again
A new me is coming
Lock up your film stars reality is coming
The Line
Draw me a line from me to you Paint me a picture of this life Dance this waltz under the stars
Remembering who we are Never forgetting a single moment What we mean to each other
Sing me a tune of memories Play this violin with pathos Draw me a line from me to you
Release the rivers into the world Overflow with peace and free will Goodness is coming
My path
The path I tread upon Is how I want my life to be Away from the cliff face Down by the rivers edge Surrounded by trees and animals And a cool wind In the midst of summer Searching for the freshness Of life itself
For ever and ever and Eva
Like dune sunsets We rose like lions Across the jungle of this city The void of truth Taking it as it comes With a flip of a coin And a wild stare We only existed to be loved In the speed of time The gardens collapse In toy continents And cardboard cutouts Of memories and the Wild river which has lasted For ever and ever and Eva
Looking forward to the future
As I sip Greek coffee In the middle of Spring Clouds barely cover The blue sky And yellow sun Peering through this cup Like curtains revealing warmth A sweet bitter taste Of summer still to come
Growing old blues
Warped by time Left to rot in the sewer Whilst pretty girls come out to play Saturday night blues Saxophoning their way to morning
Hells spirit of a lug of beer The damp street calling Almost like a memory of teenage angst The vocals perplexed By the mirror image of a ravaged earth
Rock star
Ehh See Dee See night sky Love struck And travelling on and on By taxi
I gave her Wine and Roses But she left me By the side of the road Howling for a full moon and a memory
The Domino Effect
Walking across London streets,
A river running through it From sea to you.
Angel of my heart! Moon of the sky! Lapping against the temples of time,
The horses of the lost Reappearing in the yellow lines And the tarmac blues Saxophones singing of traffic lights
And pavements. Paving their way to archaeologists, Lost in time. My own museum of the present, Sailing
Can you see it sailing? From me to you. Walking across London streets, Heartbroken. So many strangers, Anger and cruel laughter
In the wind And the storm of summer Catapulting me into this forgotten kingdom, Where nights rule the earth. Religious glory leaves me defenceless and Hip but Hippie love lingers and
Chimpanzees rage war on humanity because We all need love. Howling into the London fog, Where the past is a dream Like a movie In a deserted cinema of joy. Sand covers me forever And always like the freest bird.
I keep tripping over my feet. Anxious and scared. Wanting to be liked by this glowing hurricane Of people and places I meet everyday. Oh Odysseus save me from myself And the impending doom Of my own insecurity And depression. The sirens are everywhere
Like a flat tyre! Like road rage! Like a trip to the bank! The drugs of money flowing, As notes scatter in the middle of the monotonous road. Everyone rushes to grab them. Like painless masturbation! Like woman! Like man! Fear rising,
World War 3 has begun darling, darling run Into the sirens and obstacles Of a childish game. Here popularity runs the state, A state of confusion And lipstick, Red dune sunsets, Flashing lights and screams of surrender. Surrender to no one! Just joy! Till you drop your guard down.
Crazy dogs! You mad dogs! Crazy owners! Even crazier diners! In American dictatorships! Swooning the streets of London! In rain like confusion! Dream baby dream Of music and lies. Crazy life we lead Into the apostles of picturesque postcards Monastic lives we all live in the hazy day light, love struck And travelling on and on
The birth
A shot rings out Before dawn The baby is still in the womb A horse is unsettled Breaks free from the barn Gallops out into the mist The forest between her legs Welcomes me home Shuddering with latent Sex appeal
River play
As time bends the spoon The moon is shot with hunger A breakfast for champions A hold of my heart
A woman smiles at me on the roaring pavements
She gives me love on the street She gives me love at home She gives me love unconditionally Without her I am just a catapult of time and fate
A woman smiles at me on the roaring pavements One look and I’m gone To another world Where harmony exists Momentary song lighting the rosy future
Move me
Move me Take me to the dance Where the end is the beginning And romance is chance
Trust me Like you would a friend Read my palm in awe Of the mystical thread
That gathers round this ornament Seats safely by my side Converses with sweet rhymes Through the soldiers of the night
Love me With every last drop Red lipstick on your lips Pearl drops
Take me to the altar Marry me to the lines That build around your skin Like the Parthenon’s disguise
If heaven is a dream scope Beauty in your eyes Look at me with everything We’ll defeat the mysteries of time
To touch a woman To live a dream To open doors In peacetime
The war is raging In side your heart Where miracles exist As fortunate as tears
As the sea rages in unison The dusk air barely observing Moons fall apart in rustic tables Where temples pray for peace And a mindful fresco Painted underneath the stars I hold this fruit for her She my undeniable love Woman of my travels Ship inside my heart Sail like an oyster To a world which has no bounds
Before the struggle
Remember the feeling of feeling free When no one can touch you Your mind is your own Your words Hands feet eyes ears heart body soul whole being Is a prism Reflecting the outside world
Before the struggle
Now it has shattered into a million pieces Millions of light years away
Look up You can see yourself Encircling the vastness And the caverns of time Echoing forever through the silence And thunder Calmness and memories Going backwards and forwards like the water hitting the beach
Deserted in this here land
No I can’t go back But I can go forwards Deep into that universal night
To the farthest reaches of the galaxies Space Time I have finally left humanity I am beyond the dream
The prism broken
Losing myself
Travelling alone
To death defying glory
Where no one can touch me now
Prism be mine
The beginnings of civilization
Across the huts The settlers were settling Two millennia of searching For home Come to an end By a back water ridge They had no idea of another No clue about truth Just some fixed idea That they had to find a meaning And a purpose Beyond the stars And the sea Even if there was none It gave them a reason to To live Passionately To bring the ship home At twilight As the dust settles The cries of joy Can be heard in the distance Troy The Iliad The whole shebang
The music box
Travel far Into the mysterious ocean Sing for the eternal night of day Long for the child in you that dances Playing with the memories safely locked away
Deep are the silences
Twenty seven years in a dead man’s locker A one legged pirate And parrot on my shoulder Sailing the seven seas As dark and blue as the night Dreaming of treasure And a weight off my chest Deep are the silences When the whole wide world is in peace Go deep for my plight
The invisible pillow
The cold January snake slithers around me As the frost freezes the eternal coffee cup Hung round the neck of a visionary peasant Plowing the fields of the still going strong Roman Empire In the lake of my dreams resting on the invisible pillow Awkward and strange stranger than the pebble Which has travelled oceans and continents centuries and millennia To talk to me now whilst I sit spying on this woman She is a secret agent alien to us all
This flying saucer takes off from the table The harems are smashing the box office Everyone is a ticket seller when they’re in trouble But the performance will begin in a few minutes On your marks get set go say the bells and the shells The world is hunting me but you can’t outsmart a fox In the middle of an unmarked orange Whilst I park the police car by the shoreline Where time never ends and ends
Jack Kerouac
And the beat goes on The beat goes on Beat them all Till there’s no one left to be beaten And the beat goes on Beat them till they’re dead Beat them till they’re alive Beat them when they’re broken Beat them when they’ve gone Beat them whilst they’re laughing Beat them during your song And the beat goes on The beat goes on Beat them all Till there’s no one left to be beaten And the beat goes on Beat the sunshine drapes Beat the rain that beats down on the balcony Looking out over the whole beaten world
My atomic bomb
All these years lost to the moon Aged like a piece of blue cheese You know When I was young everything felt like a dream So full of life but lost Now I’ve woken to the strange realisation Of my own mortality This ordinary life But calming to find my place Like clear seas Amongst the mysteries of time Where I am all but an atom In the great scheme of things The latest news headlines Falling apart in universal bombshells I know This rooms taken But there’s a nice little hotel Two streets away I’ll just keep walking down the hall That’s were we usually meet Amongst the wood and ashes The fireplace keeps me warm This tree lasts for thousands of years It’s seen it all Like a cocktail waitress Dinner is served
TRIPTYCH ( when the present becomes the past we think about the future)
The Present
So capture this dance To the end of time Drink wine with your family On Christmas night Watch old films on television Outside snow brews The present is a present from them to you
The Past
Where have you gone? Beautiful friend Glorious traveller All these moments have disappeared from my hands Like the stars in the sky at night Forever shining Now there is daylight I can see more clearly The sun can shine The rain can fall Without hurting me I look in the mirror to reach out to you Mysterious absence Longing to be free
The Future
You are as unreachable as the silver moon. A bullet caught in my mouth. From this werewolf’s bite. Howling for all eternity. Amongst the rose bushes. The lane that takes me to your house. The bench. The lake. A knock at your door. And the not knowing.
November The days shorter The candles brighter Our lives longer As darkness surrounds the full moon
Crisp morning air Frost bite And smoke rings of our minds Awakens our memories of the sun In the deepest of caves
Life feels like an echo When you are alone When you are amongst friends Our common experiences Seize the day
November Autumn rain Swimming through the sea of knowledge Who cares if we are older If we have so much to live for
Winter lust A woman walks by Her brassiere heavy From my humming tune Stuck inside this song of Christmas night Home again I remember her there Full of stockings And red lipstick Pressed against my chest The treasure trove is lost The caves never ending The beginning just a lapse Of this momentary murmur As the sea sails the moonlight The table is served A woman walks by I lower my paper My hand unsettled Reaching into my pocket To lighten her heart Like a smoking gun Crimson lust By clover fields It feels lucky to smile As she sways with time Symphonies let loose The conductor is ready To drive the orchestra home She gets on a red bus Red lipstick I follow her to her door Whose that knocking? In my heart I give her a rose Declare my love for her She smiles Replies Winter lust A woman walks by…
Homeward bound
How many poets can you hear singing? How many truths in a man? By the waters edge The river is filled with memories A childhood of peace Where adults can only wish to be As boats sail to the calling of a transcendent bird
Fly fly Take me Homeward bound Life is calling In paintings The sky is music I drink coffee from this torrent Alone lost abandoned hopeful How many truths in a man? How many poets can you hear singing?
Homeward bound Take me Homeward bound Where the sky is singing The truth is non beginning And all the miracles are ordinary Like a walk around the park
Homeward bound Homeward bound Take me Homeward bound How many poets can you hear singing? How many truths in a man? Homeward bound
The show must go on
This photography is in black and white. The past. It was a hot night. Madison Square Gardens. ''May I introduce to you the late Marilyn Monroe,'' echoed the presenter. She wiggled on stage, uncomfortable in her tight dress, thinking ''Hey. Late? I'm not dead yet.'' That famous flesh coloured dress. Nakedness. Sex. As smooth as velvet night sky. With almost diamond like crustaceans sowed on. Shining like the stars. Marquisette fabric with huge 2,500 rhinestones. Platinum blonde hair. Curvy body. Grinning. The crowd a mixture of loud joy and silent disbelief. Then there was silence. Her beauty was deafening. The spotlight on her, surrounded by darkness. She flicked the mic. Put her hands to her eyes comically scowering the audience for her fans or people she might know. She opened her mouth. Sighed. Hesitated. About to stutter. But no. The show must go on. And she began to sing. And for a moment history stood still. ''Happy Birthday Mr President...'' with her sweet voice.
And Norma was dancing along Sunset Strip in the middle of the night. Her smile lingered on forever into the mysterious night. The sky full of stars, forever dying in our hearts. Marilyn Monroe a great actress, full of the ultimate sadness. The kind that sets the screen on fire. Melancholic fill. The audience drunk on whiskey, transfixed in the cinema, as surrealism past through our eyes, ears and we could almost smell her, as she touches us with her loneliness. Cause we were lonely too. Each one of us sitting in the darkness, dreaming of better things, and friendships, like she dreamed too. Eternally. Wake up. Norma Jean.
Dance, I know you can
An earth shot sky A world that passes me by Women I have plenty In my dreams In the fields Of my heart Caves Diving into the unknown Caverns As we rest by the fire The stars in the sky Momentary Remembering all that’s lost To the night The universe is as holy as a song Magical But powerless to act Against the black holes of its final act The theatre is collapsing in on itself Dance I know you can Dance
Autumnal Song
Autumnal song A changing course As the wind blows the sails To your territory
Summer departs Like the full moon Reaching for the waves And the reflection of Winter
I always thought of my self As Spring Hopeful and cursed Longing to be loved
By natures conundrum This pretty girl smiles At the evening air Now daylight is fading into me
Irene Papas sings
I sit inside the stone house Outside rain falls Summer is in it’s prime The sky is cloudy Irene Papas sings on the record player Her voice haunts the room The day is lonely My coffee cup full Of emotions and rest
Beyond the clouds
The sun comes and goes through the clouds Leaving me troubles I await its warmth even for a second To comfort me from this cold breeze Surrounding my life Caught up in questions Along the road of dreams
As the sky darkens All seems lost Only for a friendly face to peer out of the blue Behind the curtain The garden is golden Healthy in the bright light of day And at peace with its night
Beyond the clouds The sun is shining There is hope and peace of mind Living amongst a world of understanding And shared compassion That the rain could fall at a glance Leaving rainbows gazing into this solitary dance
Longing to be loved
It feels like the whole world is rocking Backwards and forwards
In this space There is a chair There is a man Called me
Longing to be loved Treated kindly By a cruel earth
Where sun light scorches loneliness That long distant line to paradise It is raining where you are Do you remember me laughing? And the jokes we used to tell They were Hollywood gold Mixed with the dreams of memories And hope
Sea bream
At last some peace of mind Free will And knowledge A fair wind blowing Shimmering sunlight Closeness
Village life Co-existing Away from the downbeat city Breaming with memories Sea bream I sit on this bus in Central London
This positive Earth
Relaxing in the sweet garden Full of treats
The green grass Smell of fresh air Sunny shade
Taking over the world My problems For a while
This tanned Earth Is wiser than we are Knows when to rise And when to fall
For they are both positives In its life With its cycle
When darkness comes The owls come out to play Their big eyes Hooting till dawn
Amongst our dreams Like statues we pray For a wilderness which has no bounds Chained to a garden chair And a flip of a coin
The war is over for me
Leaving the war torn region With bullets ringing in my ears Having lost so much But gained my freedom Looking out towards new horizons The uncatchable sea The immortal sunrise The road ahead beautiful As strong as a white dove of peace
I feel
My mind it is pounding like a brick wall My heart is shattering in aloneness My tears are shed all around the world But at least I feel Have some sympathy for those around me Care what happens to me And to others Not stuck inside this rut of nastiness Spreading all the way around the world Like an oil tanker leak In the wide ocean For a human to truly be alive They need to be free Not subjected to others so called slavery So My mind it is pounding like a brick wall My heart is shattering in aloneness My tears are shed all around the world But at least I feel Have some sympathy for those around me Care what happens to me And to others This makes me free And truly alive Now tell me yours…
Changing mood
A low feeling As deep as the blue
Agitated inside this moment Forgotten without a trace
Praying to my memories Holding on to the hopeful breathing
As a fishing boat floats above Surrounded by the candles of light
Traffic beacons for the whole earth To be enthralled by
Roses in a rose garden Poets in a poetic storm
Rising like the deep Tracing a seaside resort on paper
Hoping for lovelorn detachment Blowing out the candlelight
Enthral further In the poem and in life
Seaside sea saw Candle be mine
Life is a poem Read by candles at night
She leaves me here Waiting Alone Longing to hold her Like this pretty smile That I see often
It controls me Like a curse Poses as a saint In the craziest of forms Rumbling like the street cars In my dispossessed mind
Soldiering on To my own grin Barely breathing A nudist in a crowded shop A mouse in a jungle Conquering all doubts
When will I see her again This friend of mine This object in a fish bowl Sexual desire Rages In the pick pockets
Float in her cup
Relaxing at coffee shops Watching the whole world rush by Like a caffeine trip To higher locations
A motionless chair The sip of bitter sweet milk On my tongue Like this girl I knew long ago
Now she’s left me sitting here Engulfed by traffic And a lonely sky Raining down on my noise
Beating inside my head Like romantic memories Her brown hair Deep inside this cup
Swirling like a merry go round As lost as this spoon Abandoned on this plate For me to live with
Everyone who walks in Is nothing like her The door is open But the seas are troubled
Hissing across the cappuccino And the salty cheese pie Echoing in the daylight Dreaming like this ship
Mooring the anchor By the postcard town Feeling low in London Captivating Greece
I take another taste of her coffee Watch her world rush by Sit on her lonely chair Spell the words in her invisible sky
Eat her never ending cheese pie Make love to her blue cloudy face Corrupt her innocent life inside Float in her cup
She serves me a coffee
If only she could love me Again and again Like I want her to
I see her standing there As tall as this tower And as wise as this sky
Even though she never befriends me The dams they have broken This river has flooded the town
In the snowy peaks The birds they are singing An opera has begun
For every queen that moves this orchestra Decades of loss have released themselves This bow has shot an arrow
She serves me a coffee Smiles and walks away I await to see her again
Only this time more mournful Closer to this stone Stuck deep inside the core
Woman on the beach
She moves me like the tide I’m alone in retreat Spend my life waiting for her Ever so often the water will come back in Streaming into the sand like her voluptuous hills Smiling as summer does And as still as the distance Of land and sea Once entwined Sometime separated Longing to be free
The woman that I love
The woman that I love I see walking down the street Heaven in our eyes Touches my presence The smoke from cars And the ocean sky
The woman that I love Frees me Owes me the world And the dark night Runs rings Around this lonesome hell
The woman that I love Is more true than time Lost in the universe Floating to Neptune Like a purple dove I feel as peaceful as the past
The woman that I love Hugs me down that road Leads me homeward bound Opens up my life like raptured poets Like forgotten climates In chosen moments
The woman that I love Has skin like honey Bees stick to her fathomless skirt Hope holds on to her painted fingernails Commanding the army of my heart Shattering this ordinary uniform
The woman that I love Has no place for me In reality all I dream of is her Her lips rippled like healthy water These tears expand the present Future worlds do not exist any longer
The woman that I love Drenches the garden Sits on a bench And talks to me Her stockings pass passing laurels Victorious in their memories
The woman that I love Is like a beautiful present A family that cares for me More important than living and dying Brandishing petunias And the deep breathing of the trees
The woman that I love Opens up mountains Sails the fever Of the human mind Rushes to work like poisoned pens Dancing to the music of her circular world
The woman that I love Is more than the dew That keeps the balance of the rain Her breasts move me like passionate shorelines Feeding the youthful hunger And the momentary song
The woman that I love Is a stranger of time A friend of belonging And longing to be free Motionless moonlight as she clip clops away Her gaze like horses galloping to eternity
The woman that I love Holds me tonight As I lie alone in destiny Reaching out for the touches of moments Releasing the love And the wide open sea
Memory of a woman
The memory of a woman Her smell Her touch Leaves me breathless for her kiss Again and again
Remembering the shores As close as the sunset Boats swaying in the horizon Miracles of the blue Like her mountainous figure
Tummy so soft Pregnant for the stars And the ghosts of time Reaching her sensitive lips As sweet as pears
Milk falls from trees From passing cars The radio plays music Her dance is poetry We lie in bed content
The world rushes by Whilst peace exists Outside a war is brewing The sky has darkened The heavens are opening
Rivers loosen this earth Make life simple Always leading to a sea On this boat we sail together She looks into my eyes genuinely
The memory of a woman An ancient coin unmasked Drama in the semi circular theatre Has me pleading for more Has me living in other ages
She takes me by the hand Leads me to my resting place Here I lay in aura Her body like vines Pretty as grapes and addictive as wine
Stuck at home on a rainy November afternoon
Looney poets. Starstruck. A universe of little people. Giants floating in outer space. Jack trying to climb the bean stalk. Just escaped from the insane asylum. But he wants to get arrested. He wants to go back in. Rapunzel’s hair is flowing like a looney poet. The bins are alive. On their way to the asylum to meet you. The most crazy one of all. Your name is Adolf. All these statements are false. The revolution is still alive. Long live the beard and the moustache. Stalingrad is pregnant with twins. Joseph is a boy. Marilyn is a girl. She talks. He dances the tango. In America they say. Lets play ball. Elvis has left the building.
Bus journey
The red bus takes me to work Winding up and down autumn roads Leaves are falling in my mind Pavements are shattering in unison With the yellow lines And grey tarmac Aged like centuries Man Cars shoot past On this repetitive trip A daily commute to mundane mundaneness Madness reigns like the lonely king of nothing Skies part Ships sail The echoes get louder The bridge is for crossing With the howling wind
Blue and white
White clouds travelling across blue plains Like window panes to another world The pain of the distance too beautiful to conceal A feeling of smoke from rolling trains Blue miracles of the ocean Our invisible emotions shattered like dust The real desert And the imaginary music leading us on To the awe of the whiteness Surrounded by ocean If we try we can travel from one land to the next The journey will be long But if you look up at the sky One day you will get there
Set sail Gather your thoughts The strong morning wind is blowing The sail is reaching for the waves Finally my love the odyssey has begun Ascend and descend and fly Into the beautiful Take me home sweet truth
Beautiful moon
Moon take me To another world, Where time is timeless The cold night air fresh, Feel the rush of excitement Inside me grow, I walk to the music Of this oval song, The moon so full It can eat me If I don't eat it first
Dark sky take me To another world, Where stars are alive The city streets twinkling, Feel the rush of excitement Inside me grow, I walk to the music Of this oval song, The moon so bright Its yellowness calling me I dare not look away
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Time with its healing hand Touches moments and memories Lost in the night As daylight is breaking
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Love with its wings of doves Flies over temples Lost in the jungle of hearts As rivers rage into seas of freedom
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Life with its eternal longing Stampedes across wasteland Lost in paradise As the horses journey is beautiful and strong
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Loneliness with its repetitive drum Awakens the army Lost in a war As the soldiers march to the sound of their own victorious song
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Laughter with its sweet truth Falls between mountainous kingdoms Lost in ravines As the echoes last happily in mouths of remembrance and hope
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Death with its knowingness Returns to the written word Lost in melancholic books As true as the fathomable night and more open than time
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Heroism with its bright light Shines like the summer sun Lost in blue islands As the sea comes and goes, comes and goes touching steadfast shores
Can you hear the sound of the rushes weeping?
Take me away to the ships The ones travelling to new lands Where warmth is a gift of natural delight
Let me float in the water In your sea of love Where happiness is something open and simple
Sleep by the fire in the stone house Touch my hand like a lyre As great as the mysteries of the sky
Don’t ask for too much Now the storm is blowing Wait for a lifetime for the sight of land
For time is like a shell If you put it to your ear You will hear your life sailing on
Heal me like the salt bath Trust the long lonesome road Drawing you in to this transitory painting
As lost in the sky as the blue of the sea Remembering the poets of last night Shining like this ship to bravery and beyond
The winds of change take me to sweet pastures A loving breeze cools my hair now autumn has come Fields of longing fields of hope surround me Like a leaf I land in the middle of natures paradise Merging with all the landscape and time itself Neither belonging nor not belonging But free
Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent with his Arles
City of hearts and swirls
Paint like spirals reaching holy prostitutes
Sun mixed with snow as passion rides high
Ears let loose on riding plains
Of thunder and rain, hearing the love
The beauty of the sunrise takes us to the crying sunset
All the colours of the universe mixed in his bowl
Of torture and stains, As crows release the primitive storms inside
Churches collapse in tiredness, As Christ wakes from the cross
The three Marys rush to his bedside
Lost, abandoned, alone in the yellow house
Boarding his life away in religious lies
The snarl of the human animal, Beautiful
Van Gogh is my friend of the motionless night
But his paintings seem to move like light
Move me inside like a song
An Ancient Greek tragedy, chorus, comedy all in one
The love of a brothel teaches me hope
That the satellites will return to earth
So we live closer to home
Rush like the fields, paint like the stars
The blue earth surrounds me
My brush in my hand
I sit on my yellow chair
My green shoes are heavy from the soils alter
The reds are coming out of the masses
Resting on this coast
Where my cup is empty, smile still feeling
The woman by the window
The man in his favourite hat
The thread goes round and round
One leg on this chair is broken
Dawn is breaking
I must set out to paint
Art is my life
A way out of the artifice
Arles snarls in the mist
A train is cooing in the distance
The past is all there is
Just give me time
I'll get there
The non believer Is the eternal dreamer Looking out across the universe Dancing to his own song Not subjected to absolution And a life of knowing Everything is simple Everything is beautiful Life is to be lived Amongst the stars Getting ready to be discovered Like the perfect kiss Everyday is a new day Lost in the sunlight Gleaming with fortitude Driven by desire
Cheer up lonesome traveller!
Drink the sun Like a glass of wine Toast to good health And all the love you find
Family Tree
Universe rain down on me Your collection of sons Like a family picture book Shining for all eternity So beautiful to look at Each star a mind of its own Brooding with laughter
But these memories have faded into you Left forever up in the dark sky Something to remember me by As bright as if they were picked from trees Blowing in the summer breeze Happiest when the moon is full Melancolic houses rest as horses do
So just throw me into that sky Let me have one last dance with you Scattered like an ocean of daisies In the fields that mean the most to birds so true Fly as the angels do As stars light up the night's smile Candles flicker on the windy table so close to you
Torchlit universe
Torchlit universe Clouds sunlight blue breeze Holding on to the streams of traffic down below Where the waves carry me to distant shorelines Fresh air surrounds me The polluted mist rises to the surface Trees green love shadows of past mysteries Floating like gravity in the slipstream Buses like shuttles to other worlds Space time peace In the distance the bombs are dropping Universal hell Tanned ships fighting for survival Clouds sunlight blue dreams The war is over Memories abound I sit in this cave alone The echoes travel from here to there Always keeping me company Showing me the way The earth spins round and round The sun at full blast Daylight is breaking Can you hear me calling by the river’s edge? Is it dark where you are? The countryside moves into the city Torchlit universe Torchlit universe Begins to speak to me Dance Dance Dream Peace
Pausing to reflect on my life so far...
Momentary Madness Song Sing to me Dreams of love Birds flying Shouting for help from themselves Descending into the forest Wings flapping Womens orgasm Rights to be disabled in the womb I can see You again Sexual desire Voluptuous whore Jokes are nice Like you Love you I look into your eyes Brown as the sky Photographing madness Memories I enter into the abyss A new man
Summer Dream
Hot summer nights Laying By the beach A cool breeze surrounds me Feeling as High as a kite Floating in the aura of happiness Suspended in disbelief At the simple nature of life
For a short time Away from the mechanical city And all that jazz As I am Dancing ontop of buses Almost touching the concrete sky The bliss of smoke Raining down on me Living A surreal dream inside the altogether true dream of the blue Natures curse Is a good way to be alive
Fields of rubbish Catapulting to the moon Levitating through our lives Like a political snowstorm Crushed like garlic In the outer galaxies Where the suburbs moan For beautiful women To descend as suns do And captivate our hearts Sending us to postboxes Marked xxx
Paint my love Paint like you’ve never painted before You can create anything The horizons are yours Breathe with time Float in the ethers of life Sing
A sea.
A sea Is the master of all mysteries Giving birth to life and death Stretching across millennia and moments 5 minutes feels like a lifetime Floating in the salt water Diving into the unknown Resurfacing and breathing in all the beauty Looking out across the whole world Finally belonging somewhere In the depths of your soul A refreshing madness The ultimate sadness Releases me into the blue See
Lights in the darkness
City of lights lighting up our hearts like a plethora of stars
In the distance far off galaxies far off people the daily commute
And then the darkness a sea like universe playing with time
Our minds as waves reaching a clearing and then the lights
Lighting up the night the way candles stow away the storm
Heading our way then missing us creating new galaxies and space
Time eternal time the eternal blackness and the lights
Planets encircling the vastness and the torches of the new suns
Carrying the roads home through the voids of painful truths
Time moves like water
Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Swimming in the ether of the invisible drum Taking me to islands a long way from myself Rolling like thunder in the impossible salt of thirst Sky as ocean, sea of blue, yellow as the sun, descending on man
Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Rising to the rhythm of a momentary song Touched by madness and the moon Lost in song, sea of hearts, begins my story Rattles my drum, hisses like fire for momentary man, sparks of stone carved in marble
Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Beginnings and endings and no replies Echoes of madness, caves of gods Natural order and human chaos Alone in the universe, lost in space
Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Keep sailing on starlit ships Keep dancing to your invisible song Keep swimming in the middle of azure jungles Keep drinking the salt water that leads you there
Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Time moves like water across this sea of hearts Time moves like water across this sea of hearts
Love lost me My only friend That night Rain was falling Hitting the window Like your last words
Tonight, by canals I roam I hear footsteps Of long forgotten hope Calling me back again Awakening my spirit Burning so brightly
But I can not return The war has begun Ships have set sail for new lands Time is never-ending My heart is broken Like a cry, my life echoes all around
Lady of the Knight
Lady of the knight My lady of the night Take me to a place untouched by man Where the rosemary grows And the horses dream of peace
Here armour is purely ceremonial loss A great show put on for all the town to host Crowds come from miles around For her beauty succumbs even war Flowing like her hair as if Apollo was alive Chasing Aphrodite with beams of sun and delight
When it comes to sex Love is ashamed of showing its face For pleasure is a good thing Better than pain
Lady of the knight My lady of the night Take me to a place untouched by man Where the rosemary grows And the horses dream of peace So alone yet so alive In the middle of nature's fauna
This skin is travelling like silk embroided Across soft landscapes where the milk is dew Bodies entwined like well known branches Trees twisting and turning for thousands of years Having seen the whole of history save face
Even though money is the name of our peace Ours minds alter our hidden world enthralled Our animalistic desires raging in Greece Hot temples explode in awe and ash The ships captain roars land ahoy to us
For she is my lovebird Flying to Rome The Empire is over But so is the dawn
Stained sheets and embarrassed smiles Shower curtains and sweat like thirst Cigarette ash and bra like smoke Dirty underwear and laundry day Goodbye feels like hello The lady ushers her night away
Lady of the knight When will we go to war? What am I really looking for? Is it love? A girlfriend experience? Something more? Or just like you I want a connection A bit of affection To know someone holds me tight All through the stormy night In the distance thunder roars The sound of the battle cry The drums beat louder The horses neigh Hold me some more This dream feels real Humanities first! Kiss me lover again and again I hear the crows and the bells crying In unison my love in unison Sleep peacefully and don't look back Orpheus Yours truthfully I love her
Nature's dream is setting fire to the film reel, The picture is chug chugging to a halt Frozen in time on lonesome pillows, white as snow, like prisms bringing all the family together, like a nation of flowers rising to our knees Applauding and wanting an encore still stuck in a theatre's paradise Live on Just one last song to see us home, We'll go so far as a dream can take you The place erupts as if Vesuvius has woken, The little shop by the corner is still selling bread Kites are flying for the new year, awakening valentine hearts like mine, here Pompeii is just minutes away This is nature 's dream, calling us ever so sweetly, as we waltz into the moonlight forevermore
We stampeded like horses, Across lands of the dying moon Setting fire to the sun, And the oceans of time As free as the birds of the sky, Where time has no place
We waited for no one out here in the twilight gravities Dreams took our hearts to deserts of rain and peace Our bodies sank beneath the stars and rose like ashes of wine Bonfires encircled the world like a mist covering the night, City scapes, Us all
But freedom has a price for we can never stop rushing from hell Stampeding through the light at one with the chaos inside Drinking our lives like a party of heavenly flowers Blooming through the madness encircled by the pain
Rising to the rhythm of a melancholic song Caught between heaven and hell Freer than the oceans and the waves More lost than the night
We stampeded like horses, Across lands of the dying moon Setting fire to the sun, And the oceans of time As free as the birds of the sky, Where time has no place
The Greatest War
The real war is pulling at the heart strings
Breaking with the dawn at the crescendo of this guitar
Moving through the years like sunlight lost at dusk
Never knowing what creates it, what becomes of it, who we are
The real war is inside us
Fighting through dust, eternal thoughts
Hoping for peace, as loneliness shatters
Each realisation of the darkest void
The real war is emptiness, looking into an abyss
Sailing to centuries, unbeknown to bliss
Flowers wither and die when we touch one another
For each of our truths a mystery to us all
The real war is crying, open, shy
Caught like a moment in the net of our eyes
Thunder rolling in immortalities skies
Pain caused by the weaknesses of the tide
The greatest war is inside
Guns blasting to the night, Just as
Earth shatters like a kiss
Time rose towards my mind, frozen, helpless, singing my lines
The Magic Trick
Temples have risen out of the depths Oceans have sunk to modernity’s clause Past lives are threatening to break through the magic Magicians are disappearing out of their hats Pagan drums are swimming with the mob Individuals are loosening the rip chords The tide of history is setting
Ships are setting sail for Crete The minotaur has spoken As we enter the labyrinth Freedom awaits Theseus takes Ariadne’s hand in marriage And we begin to love life again Not with the eye of witch hunts Not with the need for good and evil
The temples they have spoken The magical world we believe in has vanished As the rivers and oceans in all of us are let loose on the world Good health for once is a virtue Anyone for a game of cards? As we gamble our life away I wake up from my soothing dream A bunny rabbit appears out of my hat And seduces me with its innocence
Consume or Die!
The temples they have blasphemed
Centuries have run riot
Across civilizations of war and peace
Where one monkey became billions
One brain turned into nothing
Exploding like stars into a mixture of a desire for everything
We have become a race of consumers
Not loving life, just feeling the need to buy and buy
Then sell our lives at the nearest exit sign
Whilst indicating the other way
Cars remain frozen in a dangerous salad of money
Only the electronic screens carry on
Taking over the world with one click
The machines have risen to the surface
They are flying as humans walk to non entity
Depressed and lonely for change
Not conforming to the norms in all the newspapers from here to the sun
Shouting for individuality
But the motto says:
''Consume or die!
Live or fly!
Spend spend spend
Enjoy enjoy enjoy
Do not think''
Think again
Glide to the nothingness
Torches of remembrance shining down on the sky
Medieval cities of hope crucified in pagan glory
Think again of peaceful light
Praying to the darkness
The roar of the lion who consumes no more
In the jungle we will live with the stars
Our only friends
Think again
Watch the films you enjoy again and again
Time is lost in shops that destroy
Sunbathe for Mars, sunbathe for Venus
Snow capped mountains, baseball caps, home runs
America is lost, the Empire is over, the dream is over
Wake up from the doldrums of society
Ancient Greece the birth
America the death
Consume or die!
Consume or die!
Bring back the Pagan Gods
Throw heaven and hell in the garbage trucks, every Thursday
Live again
Accept ourselves as good and bad
Live again
Love one another
Live again
Mount Olympus has erupted!
The messiah is getting laid!
He's high on coke
Consuming his last ego with a sugary taste
Long live the animal
It's beautiful
The stars have fallen on our patios, searching for peace, a peaceful drum
The Christmas sales have begun?
Eyes wide open
The fox is cunning?
Be cunning too
Live your life?
Live your life
You only have one
This city as a temple
Holds no power over me
Attached like a puppet
It falls subdued
The strings being commandeered by the crowd
Whistling for a change that never comes
I am alone
Lost in the moment
As a river passes through time
Buildings rise then fall
Overlapping against the natural elements
A struggle ensues between what is man made and truth
What is truth?
A cry into the night
The howl of the wind
Rustling of leaves
Our imaginations start to grow
What is truth?
Everything apart from ourselves
Only our breathing keeps us awake
As we look up at the sky
And dream of yesteryear
Lost in time
What is truth?
It is not knowing
Being helpless, being unaware
An alive animal
With a tortured heart
Forever dreaming
What is truth?
It is what is in front of you
The moon, the sky, the endless night
All these things and more
It is beautiful
It is the only thing that matters
She is as elusive as the night I miss her like the day Her breasts flow with honey all around the world In time she gives me love I travel along the highways of her legs To rich cities of her mind Where travellers meet from lost continents Selling rare fruit Her voice lingers in pine trees And tastes of olives I can smell the future throbbing Her skin envelops me
As I am writing this letter I think i am in love Though i have never met her Or spoken to her She is the daughter of the world The hills have broken The ravines have been set free Nothing can stop this feeling Taking forth The rightful heir to the throne The queen of hearts Teases me with her genuine smile
But she is always one step ahead of me One city away Further into the night One breath away from me Rushing like the tide She is as elusive as a magic trick Ordinary yet shy Longing to hold her Through thick and thin As the mist covers the city In the distance wilderness lights I hear a train calling home
She is as elusive as the night She is the daughter of the world The hills have broken The ravines have been set free She dances to the music She is everywhere and nowhere Commonplace yet rare Lustful and part of me She is love She is love Holding onto my tenderness Fresh apples falling from trees
The bells ring out for a peace of mind Ushered between the darling rain Which falls from lonely hotels Where I sit and write this book On lonely tables
And think of the time when I was young I had the whole world in front of me Now I'm lagging behind this lonely lark Trying to fly to a beautiful song Murmouring lonely poetry in a lonely shell
Where I spent summers relaxing at bus stops Years spent sunbathing in the winter snow Cold but warm in a lonely blossoming Of flowers I give to a girl She loves them and sighs
''The smell of perfume in the skyline Hides the horror of lonely hearts Lonely me and lonely you Beginning to cry but beginning to laugh all over again As the echoes get louder in the caves of our past''
Howling like the lonely wind Blowing like the lonely wolves Hunting for nuts and berries Inside the sun Glowing like the fire in my car
Driving to phantoms and loneliness Under the moon of the dying gun Shooting up like lonely trees Thousands of years spent waiting For the Ancient Greeks to come
Wait Quiet I hear someone The lonely footsteps get louder Time floats on the lonely slipstream In multitudes of loneliness Lonely one I hear you lonely one
There is a miracle glowing To understand one's loneliness well Down a lonely church evaporating in water Into crimson dreams of dust and lungs We were fish once, were we lonely then?
Breathing bubbles to the surface When shall we come to the surface lonely one? Like the lonely sun Who is the biggest lonely one! As love shone The only one who loves everyone
The fort stands firm and tall Beyond the walls the army rumbles Inside the people run to hide As catapults are launched like fire
There is no way out I have been trapped here for weeks The food and water is running out Our soldiers launch arrows beyond the moat
Just as the enemy have broken through Just as they have destroyed the walls As their soldiers are rushing into the arena The draw bridge is opened
My mind begins to fight back abruptly The impending attack is held back The walls are rebuilt No one is ever allowed inside
I moved through banana republics shaking those pom poms like there was no tomorrow Greeting the bard with a solid 'neigh' We were horses you see, donkeys to be more precise Eating the field as it rolled on from the past to the present to the future Like a glorious sunrise or sunset I forget which I have more important things on my mind Like eating this banana Charles Darwin is back The monkeys will have their revolution The only reality
Your my angel Your my truth Your my love that helps me through
Your my animal Your my day Your my light That keeps me up all night
An ocean A volcano A dream A universe full of stars Angel dust calling me millions of light years away
Through the darkness I'll always know I'll be floating away Into you Into the mysteries The temples of our hearts
The best way to be The angel in the half light Rising in time
Pure freedom transcends even time
Stars flowing in the blue sky
Night lost in daylight, lost in me
Even if I had a choice to go back
I would keep heading to the horizons
Of momentary peace, a lost calm blue sea
Up there in space time doesn't exist
Only a friend to me now
Blowing bubbles in the slipstream
Like a child I'll live forever
Alone in the blackness without air to breathe
Haunted by the past and the full moon
Howling like the wolves in my heart
I love you dearly gravity float away to be
Pure freedom transcends even time
Hunting for ancient treasure in the ancient jungles of my life
I have to break free to nothingness
An ode to everything
Lost in freedom yours sincerely
Across the wind Rush words of time Alarm bells opening up new possibilities Each morning a thorny rose grows More truthful, more poignant Its flower leaving me speechless And ready to run the race to
Decades of torment Under grey skies This everyone goes through Lonely valentine hearts like mine Singing freely like a dolphin In love with love itself
Hate to leave this world empty handed And lonely as a pill Courting the sky Vast impossible sky Opaque Dreamlike beauty shattering the peace
As peaceful as a dove Married to me Longing to break free from words Undescribable Momentary Free Free
Take me back to the end of time Where I wither and die Alone Together with the blue Endless beginning Rush like words Stones temples and pilots Awakening the fight In me the desire grows
Keep breathing Beautiful friend Through the miracle dust To glorious oblivion
When I was young Time seemed to last forever Like snow at christmas
Now the rains have come Washing away all the beauty Leaving that snowman worn
Age like a mountain Reaches a peak The descent below otherworldly
Soon summer And the great truth Bronzing my skin like a statue
Lost in time For the whole world to see Naked forlorn
Take these oars
They will take you anywhere
Anywhere in the world
Just row
The journey will be difficult
But the oceans are free
Dangerous and wild
The lost love of the deranged poets
Surfing through the streets of tinsel town
Breathing in all the fumes of the celebrity nut crackers and
Like lions in the night of King Arthur's round table we were
Spinning like a merry go round on a buses desire
Toppling regimes of change the world lunacy
Fidel e o and all the dinosaurs
As only the silence remains
The lost love of the deranged poets
Laughing until the end of time
A fish on a hook at the end of the line
Getting off the tube train like a lamb to the slaughter
Greek Easter in dictatorial London
Moustaches and stilletoes and all that love
Love love love love
As only the silence remains
A man runs across the field passionately Golden wheat shining on him like the sun Green grass and brown mud merge with him As he gets faster and faster, non existant Almost like the speed of a skyward bullet He is part of nature, the only man part of this world The part of the puzzle, brushstrokes of emotions Rattling like the trees, shouting like the blue sky As great as the air, as alive as the colours Tortured like the stars, endlessly shining Collapsing in front of the horizon again and again A beautiful moment captured at last
As wind swept sorrow moved my brow I sailed on to the present with beautiful sails Always knowing I wasn't to blame This prison was man made for us all At least I can look outside at the sunrise The sun swallowing up everything Like oysters in a romantic triste
The others they think they are in heaven Too, imposed on them by man They laugh and rejoice at the fresh air Whilst I sit with them in this concrete cell At night the moon comes into the space Offering me a respite and some hope That one day I'll be freed But the key lies with them, will they understand what they have become?
I write poetry and It makes me happy No one knows me But inside I am famous Passion drives us all My words are therapy Here in this great moment I am most alive
One day I will break through their ranks I will knock down their walls Fight everyone inside This city will be mine
But what then? When I have my freedom What will I do? What will there be left to do?
I will still be alone Even more alone Struggling to break through invisible ranks Knocking down invisible walls
Better to let them win As they waste their time Closed inside the city walls Fearful of my solitary cry
Time nailed down like a harness For our human ways To push and pull through the darkness For heavens above The animals thump their chests Monkey see monkey do
The cloudy desert of the mountainous terrain Appearing out of the mist like a space odyssey A lost planet hurtling through outer space
Time an ocean of love orbiting the stratosphere of the lost poets And the merging of the land and sky Deep in the imperial mist Sailing through the desert of the lost cause
Shaking like a leaf in orbit Spinning like a top of a beer bottle In plains of reemergence Exciting phantoms of the sky Love poets repossessed in artichokes of heroines Where nothing is plane boring but constantly high Higher than the aeroplanes flying in the sky
Silver templates of the white clouds Forged to earth like the knights templar And mist nothing but mist But feeling blue Sometimes I reach a clearing And descend like wings to the dawn of time
Ditto Shade of pink horizon Sunshine pouring Beautified dizzying harem of mine
Artichoke heroines of the dull dull night Playing the drums with their blue hair Sad big eyes as full as the big black moon A lonely voice but the devil may care Waterfall of my imagination pour pour and pour
To FlyThe Line
Draw me a line from me to you Paint me a picture of this life Dance this waltz under the stars
Remembering who we are Never forgetting a single moment What we mean to each other
Sing me a tune of memories Play this violin with pathos Draw me a line from me to you
Release the rivers into the world Overflow with peace and free will Goodness is coming
A hawk hovering over the populace In search of its prey The belly of the beast Screetching Panic spreading As the helpless run inside Hibernating for the winter Autumn Spring and Summer Its wings floating like fear The nuclear apocalypse A mushroom cloud Rain falling from our eyes Looking out from cinematic windows As nature continues its journey Man frozen A road less travelled The car screetches to a halt His wings reach to the heavens As Icarus gets too close to the sun
Nietzsche's Journey
The man finds his way out of the wilderness Struggling through snowstorms and mountainous terrain for weeks Alone in the jungle His first sign of humanity A postcard town A modern metropolis The railways Casinos Airports Witnessing one after the other His individuality scorned The sunlight of the masses Tarnishing his thoughts The journey vast The air impenetrable The lion roars
Blue Sky
Blue Blue sky All I see is that blue blue sky Closing my eyes When I wake Blue Blue sky Starting my journey The beginning of a war Smiling or sullen Lonely and crowded Bemused at abstraction Blue blue sky All I am is a blue blue sky Vast and bright Long lasting and high Repaired forgotten Longing to fly True but transparent False but alive
Love Letter
Roses bloom after summer wine Skies fill the cities beating rhyme Crows perch on temples lost Everyone loves at cost
Morning is like evening air Never knowing never care Who is tortured? Who is true? Who is really in love with you?
The Romans are coming
The Romans are coming But they will not stay for long After they see the state you're in
The dinosaurs are coming And they will stay for a long time Because with you, Is where they feel most at home
The King
Inside for months The world sick Factories about to explode Eager to get back to gloom Doom and all the above Blue skies persistant free for the first time in decades centuries People like ants The common herd Eager to build their civilization The smoke gone The smiles gone Nature happy Their masters dethroned The queen abdicates The king is dead Hail Macbeth Madness reigns Eager to spread their seed Plants growing Trees sprouting The air fresh But still man moans Self destruction Annihilation Press the button Do it Peace The first flowers start to bloom A warm dew floats over the earth Birds sing of a life once lost Sing to me, O goddess Muse, the wrath of...
Thunder In The Clouds
Cast away from the world Buried in the house Chastised for individuality But the joy of living The thunder in the clouds.
A lone dove On its journey to far off lands, Rainbow sunsets speaking to me Their mellow tune From high above.
Pacing to and thro Like voices from the past. Smiling at all the lays ahead That beautiful, ephemeral Stream of light, Clinging to the night.
Ghost Hotel
The waves travelled like tornadoes Across humming ghost like hotels Reaching out to the future Accepting our past Looking out to the great beyond
Has the ship come home? Out there in the horizon Where all the sky is black Stars shining on our brilliance Sailing to other worlds Your world and mine
Paint peeling off the walls The roof almost caving in Nature invading the concrete jungle As weeds sprout through the door Giving birth to originality
I am all alone in this room Wind pelting the window with rain Our universal pain
A spider weaves its web round the fireplace Outside in the distance I can hear the hunt Drawing nearer but fading away
I hum a tune That reminds me of yesteryear I am that ghost Who died long ago
Trudging through the snowstorm At the dead of night Frightened of my shadow
The life of a puppet
I am but a puppet on a string Being pulled this way and that Rising to the sound of my master's voice Collapsing at the strain of knowledge
Few books guide me down this road The mechanical tonks of my walk The illusion of someone else's words Taking me to someone else's house
The puppeteer pawns his craft As the audience sits in awe Observing this play of movement Constrained inside this box
I am but a puppet on a string Being pulled this way and that The awkward silence outside the theatre Allows these dreams to come to life freer
Sea Change
Sea change flowing on through time, As each man journeys wearily home, Rushing in and out of the waves on pillows, The past a distant dream foretold.
Who knows where we will arrive my friend? As we stand on the shores of chance, Looking at ourselves sailing into wild romance, A mirror image has us in a trance.
Deep blue disappearing into the night distilled, Our senses at one with the stars, Memories of a lyre being played once, Across the falling leaves of autumn’s yard.
Sea change whistling in the wind, Of a life ever changing sweetly sung, The sky can never be as true again, Each morning a new beginning, a new end, lost in tongue.
Night Darkest night Deep in the unconscious Of the blackest depths Of the animal That we have forgotten to be Bring me daylight And the roar of the light
Spinning top
Ships to warmer pastures Clouds hidden by the sun A reef in mid orbit Setting by the half light of day
I walk to the sound of my rhythm Forlorn yet strong In mid winter I pray for summer Blue sea shells I put to my ear
And I hear the sound of love Streaming through my fingers The smell of seaweed on my tongue An oval moon perplexed by the spinning
Of the top on my table The one where I sit and write my dreams Ever so often I wake up And light a candle like a plethora of stars
Forever hanging above my bed Earth a shallow river Forever trying to find the sea Showering its space dust for millenia to come